Friday, November 22, 2013

Jewels Galore!

Counter-Clockwise: Orange Fan Necklace: J Crew Factory (Sold Out Online), Crystal Necklace: J Crew (Sold Out Online), Green Necklace: Etsy (Viva La Jewels Store),  Double Gem Necklace: J Crew (On Sale!!), Honeybee Necklace: J Crew (Sold Out Online), Gold Iced Mademoiselle Necklace: Baublebar (Sole out-Get on Wait list!)
Here are just a couple of my absolute favorite statement necklaces! Statement Necklaces are a big staple in my wardrobe and to say that I am obsessed would be an understatement (no pun intended). J. Crew, Baublebar, and Etsy are my go-to shops for jewelry. I will post more pictures from my collection later, this is probably about a quarter. Like I said, I may be addicted! The most recent addition to my collection is the Double Gem Orange and Purple necklace you see on the bottom left. Not only is this necklace Clemson colored, but it is just gorgeous in person and you can't beat the sale on J. Crew's sales items right now.
